#42: Joel Salatin

#42: Joel Salatin

All of us at Dr. Cowan's Garden are absolutely thrilled to announce our collaboration with Joel Salatin and Polyface Farm. As you will hear in this interview, Polyface Farm has been in continuous operation pioneering organic and regenerative agriculture for more than 60 years. This timespan has allowed for the nurturing of mature ecosystems, which promote diverse pastures that produce some of the most nutritious food on the planet.
Pastured Meat Boxes from Dr. Cowan's Garden + Polyface Farm

We are thrilled to introduce our new line of Pasture Boxes, in partnership with Joel Salatin and Polyface Farm. Joel is an iconic figure, a pioneer leading the charge in regenerative farming, taking a holistic approach to living symbiotically with the land and improving the health and wellbeing of people, plants, animals and the microbiology of the soil.

Truth be told, we support local farmers, as does Joel, who freely shares his knowledge with anyone who wants to learn how to replicate his farming methods. So, if you have your own farmstead or trusted local pastured meat sources, stay local if you can. And if you don’t have access to high quality pastured meats, you can be assured that our Pasture Boxes include the finest selections available:

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